
Unboxing Skincare: The Heroes behind your Self-care

Faisal Fodkar 0 Comments

How many times have you been bombarded with skincare jargons from the girls around you?! Remember nodding along, pretending you knew all about those ingredients? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Those complicated names might seem scary, but they’re...
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Simplifying this Monsoon Season with Selfcare

Faisal Fodkar 0 Comments

The monsoons are back! Cue the annual series of complaints about damp clothes, endless traffic jams, and frizzy hair. But let’s face it, while the rains do bring some hassles, they also have a poetic charm. There’s something...
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Lets Figure the Fancy World of Face Serums

Faisal Fodkar 0 Comments

Don't you think we've come a long way in skincare? But is it truly required, or are we just victims of capitalism's clever marketing? It might seem ironic coming from a skincare brand like us, but let's keep...
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